Sunday, February 17, 2008

Determination of insurable interest

Courts and state laws have established guidelines for those persons and entities presumed to have insurable interest. They fall into three general categories – relations by blood or marriage, business relationships, and creditors.
Blood or Marriage: People generally have an insurable interest in the lives of their spouses and dependents. Based on this relationship, the general rule of thumb is:
Insurable InterestHusbands and wivesParents and children(including adopted children)Grandparents and grandchildrenBrothers and sistersEngaged couples (some states)
No Insurable InterestOther relatives by marriageNieces and nephews CousinsUncles and auntsStepchildren and stepparents
Business Relationship: An insurable interest may be created in an otherwise non-insurable interest relationship by the creation of a financial dependency or a business relationship between the parties. For example, an uncle may be deemed to have an insurable interest in a nephew because the uncle’s business is run by the nephew and the business, as run by the nephew, is making a lot of money for the uncle.
One who receives economic benefit from the continued life and good health of another has an insurable interest in that person’s life. For example, employers can take out key person life insurance on key employees, corporations can take out insurance on the lives of their officers, business partners can take out life insurance on each other.
Creditors: Creditors are allowed to take out life insurance on the lives of their debtors, with the debtors’ consent, up to the limit on the debt. Mortgage and credit insurance are examples of this type of insurance.
Insurance companies have a duty to exercise reasonable care in determining whether insurable interest exists and whether the consent of the insured has been obtained. If they don’t, they may be sued.
For more information on life insurance contracts, read our section on Life Insurance.

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