Wednesday, October 10, 2007

About Life Insurance

Paying for life insurance hurts! But few can do without it. The key is to buy life insurance only for losses that you can not replace, such as your income. Avoid narrowly defined life insurance policies that only cover specific loss of life, such as accidents, plane crashes or cancer. You're better off with insurance for any loss of life for a small increase in premium.

Don't skimp on life insurance. But remember that people with no dependents may not need life insurance policies at all. To estimate the amount of a life insurance policy, use our life insurance calculator. Most life insurance consultants estimate five to ten times your annual income. Smoker life insurance costs two to three times as much as non-smoker.

Jane Bryant Quinn provides tips on how to find the best term life insurance quotes in Insurance: When You Bet Your Life. Budget Life uses the Term4Sale database recommended by Ms.Quinn for term life insurance comparisons.

Do you know how long you are going to live? See our article on life expectancy, or this related article on life insurance settlements. We take a somewhat contrarian view on these topics, so let us know what you think!

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